Ajinomoto Thailand

Plastic waste reduction


        The world is facing a plastic crisis. Plastic pollution is a serious issue of global concern which requires an urgent and international response involving all relevant actors at different levels. Ajinomoto is making every effort to solve plastic waste issues in order to create a sustainable society. We have been operating our business with environmental concerns. Ajinomoto Thailand as well, we correspond the Ajinomoto environmental target by committed to achieving zero plastic waste in 2030 and use 100% recyclable plastic for our packaging.

        To achieve the goal, Ajinomoto Thailand has been improving eco-friendly technologies for our production with innovations that utilization of sustainable resources and energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into global environment. Moreover, we also have been researching and developing to less plastic for our packaging with reduced thickness and packaging size of "Birdy 3 in 1" (same high quality and taste) and removed plastic bags (PE) which are secondary packaging of "Ajinomoto MSG" size of 1kg. and "Rosdee" size of 850 g. as well as developed packaging material of "Birdy 3 in 1" to Mono Material Packaging (recyclable packaging).

          As above-mentioned, The Ajinomoto Group is working to reduce environmental impacts and regenerate the environment with reduce plastic usage for our packaging and reduce carbon dioxide emissions through our production including to send plastic to recycling process along with reduce plastic waste generation into global environment.


         For the purpose that, Ajinomoto Thailand also has been conducting sustainability awareness campaign for employee continuously to motivate and build green awareness through several activities and knowledge sharing which emphasize to reduce single-use plastic in daily life by themselves with the principle of 3Rs as follows;

  1. Reduce: Say no to single-use plastic such as plastic bags, plastic straws and plastic cups.
  2. Reuse: Use reusable containers or packaging such as take your own shopping bag, lunch box and tumbler.
  3. Recycle: Separate recyclable waste for sending to recycling process.

         Furthermore, Ajinomoto aims to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Company integrates these goals into its business operations to ensure that the Company’s growth takes place in a sustainable manner. As above-mentioned, “Plastic waste reduction” consistent with sustainable development goals No.12 Responsible Consumption and Production ; Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (12.2 & 12.5) and No.13 Climate Action ; Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (13.3) as well as No.14 Life Below Water ; Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (14.1) along with No.3 Good Health and Well-being ; Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (3.9) which correspond the sustainability outcomes of the Ajinomoto Group by committed to extend the healthy life expectancy of one billion people and reducing our environmental impact by 50% by 2030.